Antique snooker table or billiard table Fabulous quality Free shipping UK and Europe

Antique snooker table or billiard table Fabulous quality Free shipping UK and Europe


This stunning full-sized 12ft x 6ft billiard table, crafted from mahogany with ebony marquetry, is a true masterpiece circa 1875.

The side frame features exquisite decorative marquetry roundels and intricate, flowing symmetrical fauna in Boxwood and Amboyna. 

This elegant pattern is echoed on a smaller scale along the cushion sides, adorned with additional ebony roundels.

The bold gadrooned legs are complemented by scroll brackets, with each leg fitted with a vine leaf marquetry motif set within a diamond pattern of walnut and Amboyna.

Crafted by the renowned Cox & Yeman of London, this table has been thoughtfully restored by hand, using English-made cotton nets, high-quality cushion rubbers, leather, and cloth, ensuring both its beauty and playability are preserved.

Cox and Yemen:
Mr Henry Cox and Mr Edward Yeman joined forces at some time in the 1850s to form their own billiard table company,It would appear that Mr Cox was already building tables but needed the expertise of Mr Yeman and his sister who were trained by Burroughes and Watts stuffing cushions and making Holland covers respectively.
By 1864 they were fully fledged manufacturers of billiard tables and supplied specially made competition tables for the 1866 Oxford vs Cambridge match, Dufton's 'Great Handicap' and the hotly contested Roberts and Cook championships. By 1873 the company was located at 184 Brompton Road and listed over fifty titled gentleman as customers including: The Duke of Richmond, The Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Jersey, the Nwab Nizam of Bengal, H.M. the King of Siam, Charles Dickens and 'The London Clubs'.
In 1876 Yeman left the partnership but Cox carried on under the same name. In 1902 His Majesty the Shah of Persia, ordered two billiard tables from Messrs. Cox and Yeman, the tables were made of mahogany, with carved legs and fitted with this firm's well-known low cushion.


Height 83.5 cm / 2' 9"
Width 386 cm / 12' 8 "
Depth 205 cm / 6' 8 "